Stantonbury Parish Council represents around 13,000 people living in the parish made up of Bancroft, Bancroft Park, Blue Bridge, Bradville, Linford Wood, Oakridge Park and Stantonbury. These areas are represented by 13 Councillors who volunteer their time, knowledge and experience.
The purpose of the Parish Council is to represent the interests of the local community by providing appropriate assistance, and to support established and new initiatives that will be of benefit to the Parish, its residents, businesses and visitors.
Parish Councils are the first tier of local government delivering services at a community level. Policy is set by democratically elected Parish Councillors and administered by Parish Council officers.
There are statutory requirements that a Parish Council are required to fulfil, but at the root of everything the Parish Council is there to represent the views and concerns of the whole community.
There are many areas that the Parish Council take ownership for and can assist with. Below are just some of these:
- Providing allotment plots to residents
- Supplying and emptying of the dog waste bins throughout the Parish
- Advisory body on planning applications for the Parish, both residential and commercial
- Stantonbury Parish Newsletter delivered to nearly 5000 homes three times a year
- Grants to local community groups and other organisations
- Activities for the whole family during the holidays, such as Party in the Park or Football Skills
- Children’s play parks
- Informing the residents via our 10 notice boards
- Produce a Monthly E-newsletter and send to residents that have signed up
- Looking after the Parish with regular litter picks and maintenance work through our Parish Rangers
- Encouraging residents to love where they live and create a cleaner environment through our Environmental Enforcement Officer addressing issues of flytipping, dog fouling, and waste issues
- Being part of the community and thriving to create an area with reduced anti-social behaviour and crime.
We are not responsible for (among other things):
- Roads and paths
- Schools
- Bus shelters
- Off street parking
- Grass cutting or hedges
- Litter
We can help in some of these matters by contacting the relevant departments at Milton Keynes Council.
The Parish Council holds public meetings which members of the public and press are entitled to attend unless shown otherwise. The first 15 minutes of every meeting is for the public to speak. Public are not allowed to speak at all after this point unless specifically invited to by the Chairman. Please check our calendar for a schedule of dates or contact us.