



Bradville has a very pretty section of the Grand Union Canal and the old railway walk which runs 3 miles from Wolverton to Newport Pagnell. The line, which closed in 1963, has been converted to a red way for cyclists and pedestrians. Along the route, you will pass over an aqueduct on the canal and through old bridges and platforms from the old railway as well as boat moorings and fishing spots. On this walk you will be able to see our distinctive landmark, the Bradwell windmill. Milton Keynes is an important site for windmills, having been home to the first mill ever excavated in Europe, found at Great Linford and thought to date back to 1220.

Bradwell Windmill is thought to be the second windmill built in Bradwell village, replacing an earlier post mill on the site of Summerfield School, which sat on a post in order that the whole structure could be turned so the sails caught the wind.

The mill we now see just off the V6 Grafton St was erected around 1805 and just about made a living for the families that owned it, milling grain for local farmers. However, it was less reliable than the area’s water mills, for example along the Ouse at Old Wolverton, and by the 20th century it was derelict. The Council acquired it for just £80. Its return to health for the first time in 139 years has been achieved through a partnership between the building’s stewards, Milton Keynes Museum, and Milton Keynes Council, who funded the work of millwrights Owlsworth IJP. The restoration involved making the building watertight and restoring the sails and milling mechanism, so visitors can expect to see the historic millstones in action. Like the Museum itself, Bradwell Windmill is maintained and operated by volunteers. There are lots of Play parks across the estate, the one on Kingsfold has a large slide that has been there for over 40 years and has other play equipment for all ages to enjoy.

Community Features

  • There are playparks off Kingsfold, off Barry Avenue, off Harrowden, and at the bottom of Bradwell Road
  • Two shops
  • Local public house Halley’s Comet is great to socialise and has great food
  • Two schools: Pepper Hill and Stanton School
  • The Community Hub
  • See here for more information about local groups and communities

Rubbish Collection Day

Black and green wheelie bins are collected every Monday.

Red wheelie bins (or sacks) are collected every other Monday (alternating with blue wheelie bins every 2 weeks)

Blue wheelie bins (or sacks) are collected every other Monday (alternating with red wheelie bins every 2 weeks)

Collection Calendar 2024 – 2025 | Milton Keynes City Council

Location of Notice Boards

The notice boards are on Mercer’s Drive, Howitt Drive, and at the Stantonbury Parish Council offices on Kingsfold.

Location of Clothes Banks

There is a clothes bank outside the Community Hub on Mercers Drive and another outside the Stantonbury Parish Council offices on Kingsfold. You may donate your unwanted clothes by putting them into the clothes banks. All monies raised from clothes donations will be used to fund activities for our residents.

Your Councillors

The Bradville Councillors are Abid Anwar, Ann Ronaldson, Kevin Smith, Peter Kirkham and Iuliana Ratan