Oakridge Park

Oakridge Park


Oakridge Park is a relatively new estate. Before the estate was created, it was part of Stantonbury Park Farm and the land was used for farming. More recently, it is home to Stanton Low Park, a brilliant day out for families especially if you bring a picnic.

Community Features

  • There is a playpark off Winchcombe Meadows, and a playpark on Stanton Low
  • See here for more information about local groups and communities

Rubbish Collection Day

Black and green wheelie bins are collected every Monday.

Red wheelie bins (or sacks) are collected every other Monday (alternating with blue wheelie bins every 2 weeks)

Blue wheelie bins (or sacks) are collected every other Monday (alternating with red wheelie bins every 2 weeks)

Collection Calendar 2024 – 2025 | Milton Keynes City Council

Location of Notice Boards

Two notice boards can be found on Selkirk Drive, one in the middle of the road and one by Asda.

Your Councillors

The Oakridge Park councillor is John Warren