The Neighbourhood Plan was finalised in 2019 and after independent review was adopted by Milton Keynes Council and issued for referendum in May 2020. Obviously, this was postponed. The principals of the plan apply for 10 years from the date of the referendum. These principals relate to local planning requirements which may or may not be applied depending on availability of funding. This is the premise of a long-term plan and allows for the fluctuation in finance for some of the proposals.
The basis of consultation is not wrong. The Plan has to knit with the National Planning Policy Framework and Milton Keynes Council MK50 planning requirements. These have not changed as a consequence of the pandemic and therefore the development and conditions of the Neighbourhood Plan still apply.
The legislation introduced in November has allowed the requirements of the Neighbourhood plan to be applied as though adopted by referendum and the Parish Council has been diligent in making sure this has been done with respect to planning applications.
Kind Regards
Graham A Davison
Chairman Stantonbury Parish Council
2 thoughts on “Update on resident concerns on the Neighbourhood Plan”
Mrs Elizabeth Z. Airton
Dear Mr Davison,
I live at number 5 Melbourne Terrace MK12 7AA I have contacted the parish council on the issue of the over grown saplings ,ivy and other non native growing shrubs and of course the very large trees growing on the red way . Some of the trees at the back of the property are protected due to visiting birds the trees at the front of the property are not protected. I am amazed that MKC are so proud of the green spaces and millions of trees especially in my area which appear neglected. This part of the red way is overlooked and is never maintained meaning that the trees are left to overgrow and impact on my well being leaving my home in constant darkness and the trees look dangerous .So please lets Reclaim the Red Way in my area and use some Covid-19 Economic Recovery Funding.
As you may know ivy is very bad for trees is strangulates them eventually and kills them.
Kindest Regards
Elizabeth Airton (Mrs)
Council Administrator
Good morning, thank you for contacting us. We as a Parish can not maintain the area you are referring to. It is the responsibility for Milton Keynes Council. Please contact Environmental Services Helpline on .
Thank you.